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Course Descriptions 

Course Title: 6th, 7th and 8th Grade English Language Development (ELD)

Instructor: Melissa Rigby

Course Description:

In ELD, students will work on becoming more fluent in English. The units will cover a variety of subjects and genres. These units are have robust instruction in vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, phonemic awareness, and writing.

Scope & Sequence By Term: Teaching is modified for different language levels 

  Reading Vocabulary Lang. Functions Grammar Reading Skills Writing
T1 Strategies Context Clues: Multiple meaning words Express ideas and feelings:
Ask and answer questions

Give Commands


Learn reading strategies Paragraph: topic and details, claim, support, ideas & details
T2 Analyze events and ideas

Determining Viewpoints
Relate Words:
Express needs and wants

Give info.


Complete Sentences

Sub./Verb agreement

Subject pronouns

Pronoun usage

Helping Verbs
Analyze Plot

Analyze main idea & details

Text structure: cause/effect

Analyze author’s/character’s

Explanatory paragraphs

Friendly Letter

Personal narrative
T3 Elements of Fiction: Plot, Character, Setting Word Parts: base words, prefixes, latin and greek roots Describe people and places

Make comparisons

Describe an event or experience


Analyze character development

Analyze media

Analyze character and plot
Short Stories


Course Title:  Discover Oregon

Course​ ​Description:​ We will discover the 6 main regions of Oregon. Together we will explore geography, culture, arts, and sports that these regions have to offer.

Scope and Sequence:  

10%: Prime times: Daily warm-up. This will take students apx. 5 minutes at the beginning of class. There will be one each day as they enter the room. 10%: All About Maps Book workbook (Connected to Oregon Atlas)

50% Regions of Oregon: Students will take 6 virtual “field trips” to 6 regions in Oregon. We will explore geography, culture, arts, etc. in each region. They will create a map of the area, and write a letter home describing their travels.

Region:  Southern Oregon,  Eastern Oregon, Central Oregon, Oregon Coast, Columbia R. Gorge/Mt. Hood Willamette Valley

30%​ ​ ​Final:​ ​ ​Alphabet​ ​scavenger​ ​hunt​ ​book Students create (book, presentation, etc.) and find A-Z in oregon to include. They can be places, sports, important people, events, etc. This will be something students will present to the class, and potentially to a 4th grade class at Seaside Heights Elementary School!