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Course Descriptions 

Course Title: 6th Grade Science

Instructor: Angela Bice

 Course Description:  Sixth grade science is an integrated science course that is based on the Oregon Department of Education Science and Health standards.  Some of the standards overlap between science and health and fall naturally into the science curriculum. Other health standards do not fall easily into the curriculum and therefore will be taught every Wednesday during our designated health day.  

Below is an outline of the general topics that will be covered during the regular science class, followed by one that applies to Wednesdays (Health Day) only.  

General Topics and Outline for Science Days:




Science Introduction


Characteristics and Requirements for Life


Cells - Cell theory, structure, function, types




Reproduction - Mitosis and Meiosis






Human Body Systems (to include the reproductive system)


Sexual Activity (Defined, STD’s, advantages of postponement, social and peer pressure, recognizing and reducing the risks, making smart decisions)


Human Growth and Development (to include child birth and puberty education)


Communicable DIsease (to include AIDS/HIV, Hep B & C, other STD’s as well as prevention)




Physical Activity


Injury Prevention/First Aid


Alcohol and Drugs


Mental and Emotional Health (self esteem, stress, depression, disorders, suicide prevention, getting help)


Energy - Types, Conservation of Energy, conversions


Thermal Energy - Temperature, heat, expansion, changes of state


Water cycle


Weather - humidity, condensation, clouds, precipitation, air masses and fronts, air pressure


Severe Weather




Climate - Seasons, solar energy, oceans


Climate zones


Global Climate Change


General Topics and Outline for Health Wednesdays:




Character (Integrity, respect, responsibility, good citizen)


Communication Skills


Family (roles, appreciation, respect, changes)


Peers (friendships, changes, pressure)


Diversity in Relationships (includes discussions on gender identification vs. sexuality vs. biological sex)


Tolerance (stereotypes, discrimination, acceptance)


Conflict (types, causes, strategies)


Violence (types, effects, reducing and protecting yourself)


Abuse  (types (to include sexual), effects, cycle of abuse, getting help)


Dating (changing friendships, setting limits, respect,consent, abstinence, ending relationships)